Thursday, 2 January 2014


Hello everyone ! Let me introduce myself. I'm Praharsha Mulpur, a medical student from India. I'm almost done with my undergrad. It's my aim to create awareness on common medical issues to enable people to improve their health at the individual level. A lot of things in medicine are very vague for the general population and I like to simplify things for everyone's benefit.

It would be fantastic to get YOUR opinion on what you feel is important with regard to healthcare that needs some clarity. This maybe how common conditions are treated, how some diseases are diagnosed and treated.

In my first blog post here, I would like to direct your attention to my first piece of online writing which I published on

Drug resistant infections are killing millions of people worldwide and more dangerous organisms are becoming resistant to commonly used antibiotics. So, what can we do about it? There are steps we can take at the personal level to help prevent these drug-resistant infections from cropping up.

The title is: We Are Aware Antibiotics Are Becoming Obsolete! (So, what can we do about it? A medical student's opinion)

Please take some time to go through it and any feedback is very welcome. 

Here is the link to the article:

Help me help you. Ask questions. Share your ideas. Let me know if you want me to address anything in particular. Thank you for your time !

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